CENTAVRVS: A conversation with Demian Galvez
Demian Galvez of Centavrvs speaks to us just after the band's performance at the LAMC 2020.
Spotify Playlist Latinx July 4 PicNic En Casa
Are you ready for a late night Fourth of July party at your house? Mariluz Gonzalez,…
Be Counted! Affinity Community Services Reminds Us We Are All Better, When We Are All Better
Not being counted affects us directly and indirectly and "we are all better, when we are…
PREMIERE: Atropolis & Los Rakas In Harmony for Positivity with “Gozala”
Harmony for the world is the one of the key messages in Gozala, the brand new…
Streaming Review: Irresistible
How can satire be heard in a society as divided along ideological, cultural and even racial…
Cannabis Workers Demand Industry Repair Relationship with Black and Brown Communities
8 minutes and 46 seconds is a long, long time… and the coward police had their…
GIANLUCA at #LAMC2020 (Indie Showcase) Plus Our Interview with the Chilean Artist
Chilean R&B/Trap artist GIANLUCA performs today as part of the LAMC 2020.
A screening series and filmmaker development program in partnership with Permanencia Voluntaria Archivo Cinematografía in Tepoztlán,…