Review: LCD Soundsystem at The Aragon!

Feature photos by: Ryan David Falk

Are you fucking kidding me, James? Listen, that had to be one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my entire, music-loving life. From the perfectly crafted get go, you had me dancing myself clean, seriously. By the time we got to the home stretch, I was so sweaty that I looked more like I just ran a rainy marathon. Gatorade, anyone? This type of energy and excitement is what music is all about, folks.

(Insert Hot Chip image here)
Hot Chip has a special place in my heart. They did a nice job warming up the stage, played a bunch of songs that I really love, old and new, but LCD Soundsystem brought it and set the stage on fire!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: the musical bar has been raised yet again by LCD frontman/cooler music’s version of Trent Reznor. James Murphy makes magnificence look easy. It’s not always easy to please your longtime fans while simultaneously igniting interest from new ones, but with renditions of Daft Punk is Playing at My House and Movement looming in your back pocket, crowd pleasing is the least of your worries. The best thing about LCD is the fact that they don’t need to depend on any unnecessary antics to get the crowd going (although the trademark Pitchfork disco ball was a super touch). Soundsystem just gets up there and plays the dopest music you can currently imagine, and keeps it real with honest banter throughout the set. Losing My Edge gives that bone-chilling feeling when music hits and you feel no pain. Ranging from pitch perfect melodies on I Can Change to gut wrenching, emotionally charged outbursts on Someone Great and All My Friends to very punk rock, very real Yeah, LCD Soundsystem has music for more than just the cool kid clubbers of the world. That being said, my neck still hurts from Monday…

LCD Soundsystem Set List @The Aragon
Monday, October 25, 2010

1. Dance Yourself Clean
2. Drunk Girls
3. Get Innocuous!
4. Daft Punk Is Playing at My House
5. I Can Change
6. All My Friends
7. You Wanted a Hit
8. Tribulations
9. Movement
10. Yeah
11. Someone Great
12. Losing My Edge
13. Home

Who was there (or at The Riv for the second show Tuesday) and wants to share?

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