Review: Queen of Samba Contest
Queen of Samba contest was a festive celebration of Brazilian culture in Chicago
Casting Call: Orgullo Sox Co-Host
Our new partner, the Chicago White Sox are looking for talent for their popular online show,…
¡CumbiaSazo! – Interview with DJ Itzi Nallah of PEOPLE’s DJs Collective
The role of the DJ is one that is very rarely acknowledged. لعبة الدمبلة They help cultivate…
Fat & Happy: King Cake Cocktail
What does king cake taste like? Think warm, gooey coffee cake meets cinnamon roll, pastry-like cake…
The Devil Makes Three: Finding the connections between punk and Johnny Cash
“There’s always been a connection between punk and country and bluegrass music, especially in terms of…
Leni Stern: Africa in her Heart
Conversing with jazz and blues songstress about finding a musical home in Africa
Kallari: The Best Chocolate in the World
Mahogany, caramel and jasmine—all typical and naturally occurring in this chocolate made from heirloom cacao. It’s…
Interview: Grupo Cumbé
Chicago’s best local latin and Colombian musicians re-arrange and perform Colombian Cumbia classics with Latin Jazz…
News Taco: Why Latinas Aren’t Allowed to Be Angry
What happens if I get angry you ask? I not only get relegated to the “angry…