Fat & Happy: Oatmeal Ice Cream

What the hell, right? Oatmeal Ice Cream? It’s almost hard to even imagine what this would taste like, but let me assure … it … is … phenomenal!

With an entire half gallon of fresh Oberweis cream on my hands, I went into ice cream making mode. German Chocolate with Caramel Pecan SwirlMexican Fried Ice Cream Pie, and Lemon Jalapeno all churned out of my kitchen (look for the postings of each soon!). There was enough cream left for one more batch but my creative mind blanked stagnant.

A search reminiscent of a Saint Bernard (complete with a small whiskey barrel collar) looking for a lost avalanche victim started in my kitchen – not a cupboard was overlooked for a clue to a new ice cream flavor. Saltine cracker ice cream? No. Green chili ice cream…maybe, but not today. Oatmeal? Oatmeal ice cream. Could it work?  Should it work? Why not?

So oatmeal ice cream it was and I can’t be more excited about it. I couldn’t decided whether to leave the oats in the ice cream or to strain it out so tried it both ways. The strained oatmeal was smooth and creamy, refined and upscale; while the unstrained oatmeal was creamy and thick yet chewy, outrageous and fun. Both ways are so fat and happy amazing that you can’t delay making this ice cream today!

Tips and Techniques: This ice cream is great straight up; but for fun, try a little drizzle of maple syrup and a few fresh blue berries. Or if you are adventurous, reduce a little balsamic vinegar and drizzle just a smattering on the plate. It’s an odd, almost stuffy combination that I liked, Dave preferred the maple syrup.

Oatmeal Ice Cream

  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 cup half n half
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp  salt
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 tbls dark Rum
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Heat cream, remove from heat and whisk in brown sugar, salt and oats. Steep for 10 minutes. Whisk the egg with 1/4 cup white sugar until fluffy, pale and doubled in size.

Place the steeping cream back on the heat and temper in the egg. Cook to a custard, remove from heat and add the rum and cinnamon.

Place the custard in an ice bath to chill it, then refrigerate overnight. Decide if you want to strain it, or strain half and try it both ways.

Process according to the ice cream manufacturers directions. Fresh ice cream should be eaten within a week.

For more recipes, go to Monique’s blog: http://fatandhappyblog.blogspot.com/