Fat & Happy: Coconut Curry Sauce Over Brown Rice

We’ve had our hepatitis shots, taken the typhoid pills, packed the malaria pack and are ready to make the two day trip to South Africa (with a nine hour layover in London for lunch, of course).

But I’m not sure what to expect foodwise. Sure, I’ve done my homework — read about South African cuisine — but there is no substitute for being there, for experiencing the African spices and the classic family dishes gently changed from generation to generation.

As I understand it, South African food has been shaped by the French and Dutch cuisines with a bit of spicy Malaysian, British and Indian influences. German, Portuguese and Greek immigrants added their flair as well. It makes sense why it’s often referred to as the Rainbow Cuisine.

In just a few short days my senses will be filled this culinary melting pot. Until then I’ll create my own versions of what I think this cuisine can be. The curry sauce has a hint of India with a French flair coming from the mushrooms and green beans. Take your own little travel tonight, if even just for dinner. Then watch for the Fat and Happy travel updates coming your way soon.

Coconut Curry Sauce over Brown Rice

  • 1/2 cup sliced onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder
  • 4 sliced mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup green beans
  • 1 cup of crushed tomatoes
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup broth
  • salt to taste
  • 1 cup brown basmati rice

Saute the onions for five minutes, then add the garlic and continue to cook for a minute. Add in the curry powder and mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes to soften the mushrooms.

Add in the tomatoes, green beans, coconut milk and broth. Simmer the soup for 10 minutes to allow all the flavors to blend. Add in a few pinches of salt.

Cook the brown rice according to package directions.

To serve, scoop over brown rice and enjoy.

For more recipes, go to Monique’s blog: http://fatandhappyblog.blogspot.com/