CLFF Interview: Ventura Pons

Burning off good karma once again, Gozamos scores a little over ten minutes of time with Catalan writer and director Ventura Pons. The man spent ten years in theater and has made over twenty films! While he draws the line at horror and sci-fi (we learned this off-camera), musicals, LGBTQ and even films involving older folk having sex — Gasp! — demonstrate his ferocity, intelligence and mastery of his art. Institutions of higher learning such as the University of Massachusetts Amherst and University of Colorado Denver are also benefiting from the proverbial higher power(s) as they concern appearances of Pons and critical examination of the topics Pons brooches. And it is this cerebral engagement with students and the public at large that really adds the final sparkle to the illustrious career of Ventura Pons.

While nothing lurid or worthy of redaction was shared, Pons shares backstory to his latest film, A Year of Grace/Any de Grácia, that would be an absolute must-have feature on the DVD of his film. Fortunately, you can watch it over and over again care of our coverage of this year’s amazing Chicago Latino Film Festival.