Panamanian artist CIENFUE has just dropped Life In The Tropics, an album lush with tropical psychedelia, showcasing a rainbow of tropi-electronic sounds. Having just received our own copy of Life In The Tropics on vinyl we can confirm the music is on a whole other level in this format.

Cienfue’s unique experimentation with such unique aural elements, including the use of some choice vintage instruments like the ones found at Strange Weather Studios, makes for a must-have album needed in any vinyl-lover’s collection.
Life In The Tropics not only puts a spotlight on Cienfue’s projected ‘psicodelia tropical’ but also ingeniously introduces his surfer culture aesthetic in addition to his passion for Latin alternative rock and pop. It’s a wondrous compilation of nuevos sonidos alternativos y tropicales.
Tune in this afternoon from 4-6PM CST for the Future Rootz show on Lumpen Radio (105.5FM WLPN) because we’ll be sharing our recent conversation with the artist and also playing the remix edition of his psyche-reggae single, “Open Her Eyes” by Lilo Sanchez of Señor Loop. The full remix album, also featuring tracks by Luxxury, ill Factor and more, is set to be released in 2021.