2012 Recap: F+D, Part Dos

It’s been a blessed year. Here are some of the highlights!

Interview: Rick Bayless

From Charo to Julieta Venegas to freakin’ Lisa Lisa, Jerry Nunn has exchanged words with cultural icons and truly fascinating folk. Earlier this year, Jerry managed a chat with Chicago’s culinary god, Rick Bayless.

Kallari: The Best Chocolate in the World

If you can argue for a better chocolate, well, Challenge! Seriously. I haven’t found better chocolate.

In Praise of Drinking Alone

Not exactly something we like to advocate for, except, well, when we do.

Pumpkin Beers

Speaking of drinking and taking notes while doing so…

Fat & Happy: Caprese Cocktail with Basil-Infused Vodka

Monique is an incredible food writer who knows her way around a camera almost as well as she knows her way around a kitchen. To execute a salad version of a drink, however, is worth another look.

An Ale of Transcendental Nature

Ever had a beer that turned you into what you think is a snob but is really just enlightened? Patrick Plovanich did, and he wrote about it. It’s worth another look.

How do you know when a wine is great?

Can’t taste the difference between a $15 bottle and a $150? Sometimes a great bottle has nothing to do with money…

Macho in the Kitchen: Pleasure Bombs

Sometimes pleasure bombs are a kitchen thing. Our local area man writer, Mr. Claudio Alberto Cortes, knows about the pleasures and how tasty they can be.

A Closer Look at Wicker Park’s The Savoy

Not every restaurant experience is worth writing about. Eating at Wicker Park’s The Savoy is worth not just a closer look but a second and repeat.

“Alphabet Soup”: Local Food Writers Dish

Lastly, for you who are beyond food reading — is that even a thing? — but food writing, take another look at this nerd fest for food writers. It happened, we took notes, we took videos, we nerded out. Perhaps you’ll be inspired by these words and dare to write up your voice in the new year. If so, reach out to corey@gozamos.com.
Happy New Year!