Toro y Moi: Chillwave Remix Master

Since the hazed 2009 release of Causers of This, 70’s swag and shag R&B, flimsy hip-hop affects and disco dwellings have made Toro y Moi a chill-wave classic. Hailing from Columbia, South Carolina, Chaz Bundick embarked on a journey back home to fetch inspirations for many of the tracks on this effervescent return, Underneath the Pine. Instrumental, mellow mood-maker tracks like “New Beat,” and “Divina” plant lush funk and piano sequences that brush against knees and elbows. Walking through a thick bed of coniferous foliage, Underneath The Pine pricks the back of your neck.

The most recent installment by our chill-wave cutie, Bundick is this jazzy light trip-hop bossanova meets 50’s Italian pop homage, “Made in Bed” as well as his 3 piece Still Sound Remix EP. With a delightful blend of chimes and bells, with a calm and dreamy drift folk 60’s guitars you’ll be floating on cloud 9 with this sleepy, “Made in Bed” mixtape. If the classic mellow-psych guitars and vocals of Kathy McCord at the end of the mix and the cool-reggea intro by King Tubby are the sort of sounds that Bundick raids in his free time, I wonder what treasures are hiding in his parents’ vinyl collection. It’s no wonder Toro y Moi’s taking over the indie world. الروليت العربي The all time classic “It’s Choade My Dear,” by Connan Mockasin is worth the listen alone.

Aside from the Made in Bed mixes our beloved Bundick has kept busy with the release of his 3 track mix collection of “Still Sound.” In keeping with their promise, Force Field PR released the Chaz selected winner of their official remix EP contest. لعبة روليت مجاني French artist, Voodoo Bear was selected for his rendition of the track and included on the B-Sides release of the new Still Sound Remix EP. Voodoo Bear adds some much needed base and lively distance to the already mystifying single. موقع وليام هيل للمراهنات

Toro Y Moi – Still Sound (Voodoo Bear Remix) by Carpark Records


Toro Y Moi – “New Beat” (Official Video) from Urban Outfitters on Vimeo.