Somos con Christopher Von Uckermann!

Gozamos: Hola, Christopher. How was the show at V Live?
Christopher Uckermann: It was great.

Gozamos: It’s a fun space right?
CU: Yes, it was fun, small place and cool.

Gozamos: Last person I saw there was Julieta Venegas.
CU: Oh, she’s good. I really like her.

Gozamos: So where are you going next?
CU: I am heading to Mexico City. I am going to see my family and for a promotion.

Gozamos: Are you originally from there?
CU: Yes, I was born in Mexico City. My mother is from Sweden and my father is from Mexico City.

Gozamos: That’s a wild mix (both laugh) with different cultures and everything.
CU: Yeah.

Gozamos: I love the cover of your new album Somos. The filmed you in different shots?
CU: Yes, It’s Somos, as you know, means “we are.” So it’s a very powerful word, that’s why I chose it, like we are the people, we are one.

Gozamos: It’s a great cover.
CU: It’s very futuristic.

Gozamos: Are you nervous about doing solo stuff after the safety of the group?
CU: Yes, I am nervous but I am happy, because this is my project. I wrote all the songs. I had the chance to work with great producers and composers. This is my baby, my project.

Gozamos: Are you going on a bigger tour?
CU: Next year, because the single is on the radio right now so I need time.

Gozamos: Do you still want to act?
CU: Yes, I just went to Colombia to shoot the second season of the Fox Original TV series K’Dabra. I did a couple of songs for the television show was well.

Gozamos: That’s perfect. So where do you see yourself in the future?
CU: Well, music definitely. I want to do movies also in the American market.

Gozamos: You currently live in Mexico City?
CU: I do.

Gozamos: Well, you can always come back to Chicago!
CU: I will. I love Chicago. It’s a great place. I go to LA a lot of the year also, about four or five months.

Gozamos: How do your fans keep up with you?
CU: My Twitter is ChristopherUck for the fans.Tell the people to take a chance and listen to Somos!

4 thoughts on “Somos con Christopher Von Uckermann!

  1. Thank you so much for the note. As fans of Christopher we really appreciate it. Do you happen to have audio of the interview? We would love to hear it. Thanks again.

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