Review: Bunbury and Zoé at the Aragon

What show in the Aragon Theater last Sunday made the crowds go wild? Zoé and Enrique Bunbury came to Chicago to put on a thrilling and unforgettable show at the Aragon Theater. I remember my first time seeing Zoé at the Congress Theater back in 2009. I was new to this city and just entered college. When I found out one of my favorite bands was coming to town and “damas gratis” was on the Congress Theater website. I flipped out. My rockera side came back to my life and she was definitely missed. This was the first time that Zoé played at the Aragon as well, they have been playing at Congress for the past three years now.During the show Leon from Zoé actually said, “que bien que ya estamos tocando en un lugar marvilloso como este.” It was great seeing them play in a different place. I was getting a bit tired of going all the way to Logan Square. Zoé played a great show,

Always playing with massive amount of lighting effects and strobes but calmer from the last time I’ve seen them. They played songs from their album “Memo Rex Commander y el Corazón Atómico de la Vía Láctea” like “Via Lactea”  and they also played music from Reptilectric”. The song that everyone was waiting for that was from the album “Reptilectric” was “Nada” with a collaboration with Enrique Bunbury . Everyone went crazy. Bunbury had his Zoé shirt on and both had a friendly hug before the song started.

After Zoé the place was finally packed for Enrique Bunbury. This was my first time I have seen Bunbury live I found out about him through a friend who was a mega fan of him and Heroe’s del Silencio which Bunbury was a singer of back in 90’s until they broke up in 96’.  He was last in Chicago in 2010 at Vlive doing a small show which I did not know about until the day after. When Bunbury came on stage I was amazed to see how the crowd went wild for him.  In the beginning of the concert he said that they were going to play songs from his new album “Licenciado Cantinas” which will be coming out on December 13.  But he also said he would be playing from his past albums as well as he put it, “ Un recorrido por el pasado” before he played “Doscientos huesos y un collar de Calaveras” from his album “Hellville de luxe.” He also played songs from “El viaje a ninguna parte.

When Buburry was about to leave the stage the fan’s were chanting his name to come back out. You also got the guy in the audience saying “Culero.” Bunbury did come back out but different songs from the his old albums.  They only down side of the show was that I found myself coming home at around 11:40, each of them only played and hour show. But I definitely became a huge fan of Bunburry after the concert. With his quirky dance moves and amazing music and I also found myself listening to both of them more often on my iPod.

See slideshow of Bunbury and Zoé at the Aragon »