Once upon a time in July

For Those who Still Enjoys Saturday Morning Cartoons and Count Chocula:
Do you remember those happily ever after fairy tales you were told to as a kid? Do you feel like you have out grown, but still remember the meaning and gratification you got from knowing that the witches were slain along with the dragons, that the princesses all were saved, and that the glass slipper always found its rightful owner? Although these stories are wonderful, and wonderfully written in there own right, it isn’t logical to think that life always turns out that way. طاولة الروليت In the book The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob and Whihelm Grimm before there are a good endings there are bad beginnings with a potential for even worse finales. The stories that seem so familiar to us in this 864 page book take unfamiliar twists, morbid turns, and deal with savage people. These stories aren’t exactly for children. They are a little dark, a little bloody but I found myself completely intrigued. With re-named stories such as Little Red Cap (Little Red Riding Hood) who makes it out alive from the wolf’s stomach only to murder the wolf in a way you couldn’t imagine. Eerie endings abound like in Cinderella where her wicked step sisters cut off parts of their feet to better fit in the glass slipper.The Twelve Brothers has a particularly gruesome ending when the title characters discover twelve coffins meant to hold their murdered corpses, made by their father the King! I won’t spoil it for you- you must read to find out what happens! With over 200 of the gory original fairy tales in this book, it’s a great summer read for either skipping through to every other story or reading it from start to finish.

For Those who are Desperate for Fangs in Between ‘True Blood’ Episodes:
Fangbangers should take notice of Marta Acosta’s Happy Hour At Casa Dracula novels. Book two, Midnight Brunch starts where Happy Hour left off. Cracking open the novel, I found my self laughing instantly! Midnight Brunch bring us more romance, more laughs and more vampires! I found this book refreshing and a must have for a light, frothy beach read! No, you wont find emo vampires with pale skin brooding and whispering their sorrows to dead black roses- thank God! Lead character Milagros De Santos does have her share of drama when her ex-lover comes back into the picture to stir up all kinds of trouble. Mystery lovers will devour all the secrets and surprises that Marta Acosta creates in her undead universe. And please don’t get me started on the vampires and there Latino tempers! Consuming this book was like consuming a taco: I couldn’t get enough.

The Bride of Casa Dracula is the third book in the series and reading it kept me on edge. As soon as I was ready to fall off my chair with fright, the comedy showed up and I fell off my chair any way with laughter. Don’t let the title fool you. I’m not giving away the ending but don’t dive into the novel thinking that our girl Milagro De Los Santos will marry her true love, the vampire Oswald. تعلم اسرار الروليت This book takes you from one extreme to another. One minute you would love to be in Milagro’s Mexican style shoes and the next your thanking all the saints in the Mexican church that you are not in them at all. Once again, your’re introduced to a few new characters, my favorite being a shapshifter, but if you want to know more about that I recommend reading this book. الكزينو All three books are great for a beach read or a bath tube read. Throw in your tote and go. I couldn’t put them down and the best part about them is they are good enough to read over and over.