Numero Group Yard Sale, soul and funk for sale…

For all you yuppies and/or hipsters (and I say that with no malice what-so-ever), you needn’t fear the rumored roughness of Little Village (still housing a county correctional aka the largest jail in the U.S. of A.). Just hop on your bike and zip down Western (I wouldn’t recommend California.. you might get shot) and buy yourself some good old funk and soul vinyl, ever so slightly used at The Numero Group Yard Sale this Saturday. You can’t go wrong with some dusty grooves and vintage sounds.

Numero (Uno!) may just be the hippest, most down to earth and elegant establishment known to man, or at least known to rock’n roll, blues and 45 lovin’ fiends from both sides of the Northside/Southside divide. I mean you have to give props to anybody who sticks to their roots and sends out waves of good feeling from the fresh and fabulous streets of anywhere not Wicker Park, Logan Square, now-East Humboldt Park or art walk Pilsen… Yes that’s right, out of shear admiration and staunch support, you should trek it down to the unknowns of the Southlands and brave those awkward glances by abuelitas as your tattooed youth draws you unwanted attention. Maybe grandma’s secretly just got a thing for sexy hooligans.

No really, I truelly want you to support these guys… Seriously. And for all you already-Southsiders, stop pretending you don’t wanna be a hipster or a yuppy one day and just get your booty to the Numero Group Yard Sale. Sheesh. There’s plenty of beige and brown trend setters that you’d probably dig. I mean, this about the music man…

NUMERO GROUP YARD SALE 2348 S. Marshall Blv,  Chicago                                                           
Saturday, October 15th 9am-3pm

For some stellar tunes, you can always buy online too. Go conscious consumerism! Wooh!

2 thoughts on “Numero Group Yard Sale, soul and funk for sale…

  1. WTF?! I appreciate the author trying to get people out to this cool event. But this article sounds like it was written by a white person who thinks they’re cool enough with the “hood” to insult it and joke about getting shot riding your bike down California. This short article makes my stomach feel upset with its post-racial-ima-joke-about-it-cuz-i’m-cool-with-it vibe. Its bogus and offensive

  2. Lenny.i never said he was white. i figured he was a Latino by his name. i was speaking of the tone with which he wrote.

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