Fanny Leona hasn’t skipped a beat after this year’s busy tour (including a studio visit with us at Lumpen Radio), that took her and her band mates to debut their dance pop anthems to fans who had awaited their performance for so long. All the while, Fanny worked on her own music which recently made its debut as a collection of fresh pop sounds titled, Ningen.

In a series of 10 songs, Fanny Leona takes us on a ruminative journey that’s always bright with a necessary balance of darkness in sounds and through lyrics. That’s always been an enticing element to her quirky pop music, her ability to showcase, for example, the agony of love lost against the euphoria of the beauty that that pain allows her to create. As listeners, that connection to the darkness creates a different type of appreciation. It speaks on a whole other level. Pop can do that? We think so! Listen. Listen carefully to Ningen and let us know.
Also, in an interview for Pousta, Fanny Leona describes the reason behind each song on the album. It’s a great read which you can findĀ here.
She most recently debuted the song Estatua, her latest single, in a lyric video.
Disco Funny
The Ponderers radio show broadcasts live every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on 105.5FM Lumpen Radio. Live stream at