Artist Gepe, who forms part of the innovative and influential Chilean music movement now flourishing across the world, has once again brought together the allure of traditional Latin folk music with modern takes of electronic pop, rock and hip-hop to create an even deeper experience surrounding the new-new wave of Chilean sounds in his new single, “Confía.” This fresh track features the one and only Vicentico.
“Confia” discusses the opportunity for someone to take a leap of faith and trust, even if it’s the first time they do this in their life. The video is set among breathtaking mountain views, with colorful characters appearing out of nowhere. The idea, overall, encourages the notion of trusting the unknown, of coming out of hiding – especially now – to embrace the greater possibilities if one pushes forward without fear. “Confia” provides a much needed and empowering message of hope.
Si nunca confiaste en nadie / Ahora es el día / Confía / Confía / Te digo de corazón / Primera vez en la vida / Confía

About the song
Gepe explains, “musically it has a lot of Cuban and Central American influence, as well as a milonga reference on the guitar. It also has a Latin beat arrangement, Orisha style, inspired by Latin hip-hop of the nineties.”
Regarding Vicentico’s appearance in “Confia,” he says, “There are many things in this song that I draw from Vicentico’s influence, so it’s great to have him in a song with so many references to his work. I admire him very much and I think the song grew enormously with his participation.”

About the video
“Directed by Esteban Bustos, Gepe and Vicentico invite us to enter the world of trust. A stimulating place where humanoids, calacas and ghosts move amidst the questions and answers launched by the lyrics of the song; an invitation to join in a joyful and fun celebration. These are the emotions that connect us and show the strength that comes from the feeling of trust.”