Fat & Happy: Yummy Grilled Dessert Pizza

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Living the healthy life keeps me feeling energetic and youthful; but that doesn’t mean I don’t indulge in a treat once in awhile. Someone suggested a dessert pizza at the end of a grilled pizza party the other night. It wasn’t something I had planned, but it only took me a about 30 seconds to start digging around for suitable toppings.

Almond butter spread across the pre-baked dough and then a layer of jelly made for a great sauce. A sprinkling of dark chocolate, coconut flakes and nuts became the topping. Finish the pie with a couple of minutes on the grill to heat it all and crisp the bottom. Delicious and crowd pleasing!

Eat a mostly plant based diet and do get some exercise. And always remember that an occasional Fat and Happy treat keeps the dulls away.  

Super Yummy and Easy Grilled Dessert Pizza

  • 1 pizza dough*
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons jelly


  • dark or other chocolate
  • coconut flakes
  • pine nuts
  • almond slices
  • any little bite-size snacks you want


Preheat the grill, medium high heat. Roll out the pizza dough to desired size. Place directly on the grill and close the lid. Grill a few minutes on each side to give the dough a fairly cooked base. Remove from grill.

Spread the cooked pizza with the almond butter and then the jelly. Sprinkle with the toppings. Place back on the hot grill and close the lid for another couple of minutes. Remove and slice. Dollop with whipped cream if desired.

*For the pizza dough, use store bought or make my special homemade amazing grilled flatbread pizza dough. Just plop it on the grill, it will crisp without falling through the grates.

Fat and Happy Tips and Techniques: Mix and match the type of jelly you use and your toppings. I made one version with spicy jalapeno jelly! Fresh fruit would work great. Try a different chocolate or change up the nuts. If you are really indulging, add a dollop of this alcoholic whipped cream for a creamy punch.


For more recipes, go to Monique’s blog: FatandHappyBlog.com