Facing the Burka: France’s attempt, Part 1

Feature photo by Nitin Madhav

It’s always been a struggle for an immigrant population to assimilate to its new found host country. Different cultures invite themselves to differences in cultural opinions, laws, religious practices and overall traditions that make a culture what it is. However, these differences also contribute to the mélange of cultural and national variety that exist in the more metropolitan areas of this earth. Since these conflicts exist, violence erupts and often on a very broad and random scale. Terrorism is the early century’s criminal buzzword. From overzealous airport security measures to the loss of rights under the Bush administration’s Patriot Act, the overall sense of helplessness that the North American world has been faced with against the “evil” of Islam fundamentalism invites an oft xenophobic approach when it comes to national security. In this country, Arabs of all religious backgrounds have been attacked, demonized or targeted for around nine years in an effort to weed out the bad seeds from the good ones. However, racial profiling is a very fickle and dangerous thing that a “secular” society could bring itself to do. It is almost akin to the Salem Witch Trials. Like that river test, Guantanamo Bay also served its purpose like a double-edged sword of proof. Either be dunked in a body of water (or detained and sent to a naval prison in Cuba) and if you float you must be a witch (terrorist) and if you sink, you die a good Christian death (or spend a ridiculous amount of time detained).

Many conservative minds wonder how else they could retain the safety that they had relished in before. In reality, the world is a fucked-up place whenever, and that tiny American Belle Epoque known as the 90s was not so Belle anywhere else. Conservatives, at least those of recent memory, always seem to ruin things in their quest for monetary dominance, and it more often than not comes crashing down, and then so-called liberals get in there and try to fix the mess only to be blamed for it or for not doing a steadfastly enough job.The basic need for a scapegoat is a characteristic that conservative minds across the globe exploit and use in order to manipulate the voting populace. This is not a modern invention. Humanity has always looked to point the finger of blame, and it has infamously been wrong. The rich and powerful prey on the poor and stupid, and they pray that they will have the same collective fear: the fear of change and that which is different.

France recently outlawed the use of the Burka in public places. This might be a call for assimilation or it might be xenophobia, but it is law. The fact that the French parliament under Nicolas Sarkozy, a product of immigrant parents himself, were so quick to support this bill is something that is telling of French society. In this bill’s quest to appropriate the secular, it has opened doors that extremely give invite to religious extremism and the verb that acts out because of it. The fact that the French sentiment is to think twice when it comes to these women bathed in fabric, should attest to what these social mores really come down to. That is, the humility of women, the security that comes with their supposed beauty and the collective “choice” that these women are faced to make against pressure from those men in their communities. Granted, you are no stranger to what “tradition” means. Hispanic or Latina women are forced to abide behind the culture of silencio, of passive gifts and opinions given to them by their male counterparts. In all actuality, society de habla hispana, are very much the same with the exception of the fact that they should be “protected” from the men that they share cultural and ethnic ties to shall, well, rape them is absurd. In fact, the whole notion of the covering of their faces became only prevalent during the fifties. These are archaic notions of what women mean to that particular society and what came about after the mass independence of that region from European rule. It brought upon the popular stance of defiance against imperialism. Taking that into account, it reveals more about the recent politics behind the burka than the religious connotations behind it. The argument could be made that the reason behind what to most, would seem to be an excessive practice is a direct affirmation to what made that culture what it was. It does not reflect what it is or what it could have been. What made up the current culture, was the daily struggle after Europe abandoned the shackles of their previously dominant and oppressive shadow. After that and once independence was made, they could then leave off where they left behind. However, what they left behind was something even more depressing.

France is not to blame; it is the fabric that wrinkles all over international society as a whole. One cannot argue that France is a tyrannical state because it is not. It is looking out for the best of its citizens and for that, I praise them. However, in their quest to open doors for all, regardless of genitalia, the employed tactics that shut that door on chauvinistic approaches also shut the door on the most vulnerable sectors of that citizenry–women.

11 thoughts on “Facing the Burka: France’s attempt, Part 1

  1. Conservitive Principles

    -the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
    -in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
    -Free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
    -government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
    -The proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.
    -the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
    -Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
    -Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

    France banned the burka to try and get the country back under one rule of law, right now they are struggling trying to appease sharia law… they are a country with two sets of laws… why is it that you liberals think it is ok that women have absolutely no rights under sharia law, no schooling, can't drive, can be raped by your husband… or much worse, can be stoned to death for adultery, if you are a virgin and are found guilty of a crime you are raped before sentenced to death… or in court your testimony is worth only half of a man's..
    Liberals should be outraged about this. Everyone should be outraged about this.
    And if France wants to pursue everyone having equal rights, which is what Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was about… ya know the I have a dream one… that speech wasn't about social justice like every progressive wants to spout off at the mouth about, its about everyone no matter who you are, being treated the same, not any one person being above anyone else….
    Don't delve into political debate to try and get sympothy for islamic terrorists and Liberals and Progressives, they all want one thing, the end of the greatness this country has been since its inception into the world. Remember for all you America haters, even the poor amongst us making a mere $8-9 are amongstthe top %10 of the wealthiest people in the world, thats right, that capitalism that you all hate so much, its allowed you to have cell phones, and apartments, and air conditioning, and a car… oh yeah and if one day you want to start your own business…. go right ahead America wants you to be as successful as you want to be… But don't worry some progressive liberal will probably tax and spend your ass right out of work… oh and don't you worry I am watching your articles and there will be more, do some homework before you think socialism and marxism is the savior, and quit following blindly you sheep.. you are being led to the slaughter and don't even know it… for starters try Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin

  2. Frankly I don't believe this is an issue of Conservatives vs Liberals. This is an issue of culture and respect. While you are correct, there are many terrible issues of human rights violations with women under certain countries. I'm not an expert in either of these subjects, but there are laws in France to protect against those violent crimes. The issues raised in the article is about the burka and western civilizations not respecting a culture that it barely understands. I appreciate your comment, but would encourage you to stick more to the point in your arguments, because I can assure you, we are not “American Haters,” we are “Culture Lovers.”

  3. I totally agree with Abraham- this isn't a Conservatives vs. Liberals issue nor is the article painting it that way. In fact, that sort of automatic reaction of looking at every issue as a left vs. right issue is extremely detrimental to any sort of progress. Liberals have some great ideas, as do Conservatives. Liberals have some bad ideas, as do Conservatives. If both sides keep painting each other in the broad strokes of either hippie, radical socialists or out of touch, war monger Nazis, then nothing is going to get done except get people's ire up.

    As for the Roberto's article, I do agree that with the point of xenophobia that he touched on. Perhaps the most dangerous part of the current atmosphere is the fear of outsiders that is soaking into everyone's cultures across the world and the ramifications for future generations. We live in a culture of immigrants. Nearly everyone who currently calls themselves an American is here thanks to their immigrant grandparents. Being part Native American and part English myself, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my grandfather coming to New York City like so many millions of others. It's a dangerous thing to start drawing lines in the sand.

  4. I understand both of your points, being culture lovers that is fine, but understand one thing, France is only stopping from having duel set of laws. Not destroying culture, or telling them they cannot practice being islamic… it is merely saying you have to abide by Frances laws, and to weed out the extremeists they are banning the Burka because they are having serious issues over there. The other thing I would like to point out Katie… the whole war mongering nazi thing… man get your facts straight, Nazi, or National Socialist Party, was um… how shall I say…. to the left of where America is. Far left is communism as I am sure you adore Karl Marx secretly, then you slide a little to the right and you have your national socialists, then your progressives, then socialists, then your moderates, then RHINO's, then republicans, conservatives, then keep going right until you have such a limited government that you end up with anarchy. oh and I did stay on topic

  5. Christopher- I was purposefully using that obtuse language (“hippies” and “Nazis”) to illustrate the ridiculous, unfounded hyperbole that some people leap to in the conservative vs. liberal argument. Thanks but I don't need a history lesson.

  6. I hate to double post but, also there is no Xenophobia about islamics or immigrants (legal), and everyone knows that this country is built around people from around the globe becoming a citizen here and living their lifes dream… I only brought up the political stuff because it was in his article slamming conservatives (the very principles this great nation was built on)

  7. I think Chris only brought up the Conservative v. Liberal thing because the author used this statement, “Conservatives, at least those of recent memory, always seem to ruin things in their quest for monetary dominance, and it more often than not comes crashing down, and then so-called liberals get in there and try to fix the mess only to be blamed for it or for not doing a steadfastly enough job.The basic need for a scapegoat is a characteristic that conservative minds across the globe exploit and use in order to manipulate the voting populace”
    which would be against conservative beliefs

  8. I think Chris only brought up the Conservative v. Liberal thing because the author used this statement, “Conservatives, at least those of recent memory, always seem to ruin things in their quest for monetary dominance, and it more often than not comes crashing down, and then so-called liberals get in there and try to fix the mess only to be blamed for it or for not doing a steadfastly enough job.The basic need for a scapegoat is a characteristic that conservative minds across the globe exploit and use in order to manipulate the voting populace”
    which would be against conservative beliefs

  9. Always a pleasure to read Gozamos, keep on going guys, I do not express myself verywell in English, i am french, and in France.
    Great article, because lots of reactions, we need to talk about the way we live, and to be able to talk we need a commun point, this time it is this article, it is our right as citizens of Democracies to express ourselves, and it should be a duty, and we should take part in the decisions of our government. But Politics Media and Finance wants us dumb and uneducate so they can control the citizens .
    We are living a very difficult era, we need to be united, it was already very difficult to have small country like France united, it took 2000 years, and it is still not done, every city, villages has a different culture , accent, food,cheeses and architecture, and usually first thing we ask you is what city do you come from.
    to be brief and give you an idea of what s going on here:

    first of ALL

    it is not done

    France has a two chambers Parliament
    so the deputes ( elected by the citizens) of the Parlement voted yes,
    but it will have to pass the Senate in september ( Senators are not elected directly by citizens)

    then in 2011 if the project of law is voted to be a law by the senate

    it will have to pass by the COnseil COnstitutionnel which is here to check if the law is ok with the constitution.

    so it is not done.

    Another thing , now with European union, there is also a European Parliament and a Court of Justice, that could stop this law, and will if it happens to pass

    another thing to know
    Our president was elected because he took the usual 15 % of votes that are going to Extreme right

    since he started being Head of the police ( Minister of Interior) he pretty much started controling everything and everyone, and started to break all the links between different communities, because he has been planning his election
    and his election was built on fear and on insecurity
    There is cops everywhere in France, except in the “ghetto’ because our president when head of the police
    said it was not useful to have a proximity police, guys from the neighborhood walking and talking, putting soccer competitions, it is unbelievable he said it was not useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it is how a few time later Riots happened, there is nothing to do in those suburbs, no good school not enough soccer fields and not enough room and appartments,

    the police can like Arizona just passed the law, ask for your Id anytime and for no reason,
    even though we did not have any terrorism on the country since 1995, maybe because the police did a good job or not, however he has been talking like another president of a democracy for 8 years , about terrorism all the time.

    He is doing exactly the same tactic, he wants to divide and get the vote of the old people, who does not understand
    the world and are scared of any changes, so his main speech his about lack of security
    and in our democracy more and more old people, the only thing they want is to be able to live longer and they have money

    One last thing because i could talk for hours,
    Everybody loves USA, everybody did not like very much the Former president
    Everyone LOVEs The New Us President,
    evryone follows USA, Now we need an international constitution, to regulate the market and defend the most weak of us, kids, still a lot of women oppressed, 100 million women missing in India, because when they get married it s the familly of the bride who has to give money to the groom

    so the world is a big mess
    we need education
    health care and Culture

    Education allows you to be able to think properly, and to say yes or no
    Culture allows us to be united,and to talk
    when you talk about football or soccer you do not make anything to change the world, who needs a lot of changes
    everywhere i travel I can sing Bob marley, i get Friends

    and now we may be monitored by secret services when we express ourselves on the net
    Liberté egalite fraternite
    Nosotros podemos estar hermanos,
    Protect the ladies and kids
    fight for love and peace

    Me too I have a dream
    thanks to many people who had dreams before

    one last thing in the comments
    is it really progress to have cell phone???
    and AC
    In the 90es i used to call at my friends places and talk to all the family
    when i was at a concert everyone was dancing and everyone could see because there was not 2000 phones in the air
    before cars we had trains and cable cars
    a great way to meet people
    and before AC we use to build house in a proper way

    but it is another topic

  10. Always a pleasure to read Gozamos, keep on going guys, I do not express myself verywell in English, i am french, and in France.
    Great article, because lots of reactions, we need to talk about the way we live, and to be able to talk we need a commun point, this time it is this article, it is our right as citizens of Democracies to express ourselves, and it should be a duty, and we should take part in the decisions of our government. But Politics Media and Finance wants us dumb and uneducate so they can control the citizens .
    We are living a very difficult era, we need to be united, it was already very difficult to have small country like France united, it took 2000 years, and it is still not done, every city, villages has a different culture , accent, food,cheeses and architecture, and usually first thing we ask you is what city do you come from.
    to be brief and give you an idea of what s going on here:

    first of ALL

    it is not done

    France has a two chambers Parliament
    so the deputes ( elected by the citizens) of the Parlement voted yes,
    but it will have to pass the Senate in september ( Senators are not elected directly by citizens)

    then in 2011 if the project of law is voted to be a law by the senate

    it will have to pass by the COnseil COnstitutionnel which is here to check if the law is ok with the constitution.

    so it is not done.

    Another thing , now with European union, there is also a European Parliament and a Court of Justice, that could stop this law, and will if it happens to pass

    another thing to know
    Our president was elected because he took the usual 15 % of votes that are going to Extreme right

    since he started being Head of the police ( Minister of Interior) he pretty much started controling everything and everyone, and started to break all the links between different communities, because he has been planning his election
    and his election was built on fear and on insecurity
    There is cops everywhere in France, except in the “ghetto’ because our president when head of the police
    said it was not useful to have a proximity police, guys from the neighborhood walking and talking, putting soccer competitions, it is unbelievable he said it was not useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it is how a few time later Riots happened, there is nothing to do in those suburbs, no good school not enough soccer fields and not enough room and appartments,

    the police can like Arizona just passed the law, ask for your Id anytime and for no reason,
    even though we did not have any terrorism on the country since 1995, maybe because the police did a good job or not, however he has been talking like another president of a democracy for 8 years , about terrorism all the time.

    He is doing exactly the same tactic, he wants to divide and get the vote of the old people, who does not understand
    the world and are scared of any changes, so his main speech his about lack of security
    and in our democracy more and more old people, the only thing they want is to be able to live longer and they have money

    One last thing because i could talk for hours,
    Everybody loves USA, everybody did not like very much the Former president
    Everyone LOVEs The New Us President,
    evryone follows USA, Now we need an international constitution, to regulate the market and defend the most weak of us, kids, still a lot of women oppressed, 100 million women missing in India, because when they get married it s the familly of the bride who has to give money to the groom

    so the world is a big mess
    we need education
    health care and Culture

    Education allows you to be able to think properly, and to say yes or no
    Culture allows us to be united,and to talk
    when you talk about football or soccer you do not make anything to change the world, who needs a lot of changes
    everywhere i travel I can sing Bob marley, i get Friends

    and now we may be monitored by secret services when we express ourselves on the net
    Liberté egalite fraternite
    Nosotros podemos estar hermanos,
    Protect the ladies and kids
    fight for love and peace

    Me too I have a dream
    thanks to many people who had dreams before

    one last thing in the comments
    is it really progress to have cell phone???
    and AC
    In the 90es i used to call at my friends places and talk to all the family
    when i was at a concert everyone was dancing and everyone could see because there was not 2000 phones in the air
    before cars we had trains and cable cars
    a great way to meet people
    and before AC we use to build house in a proper way

    but it is another topic

  11. Always a pleasure to read Gozamos, keep on going guys, I do not express myself verywell in English, i am french, and in France.
    Great article, because lots of reactions, we need to talk about the way we live, and to be able to talk we need a commun point, this time it is this article, it is our right as citizens of Democracies to express ourselves, and it should be a duty, and we should take part in the decisions of our government. But Politics Media and Finance wants us dumb and uneducate so they can control the citizens .
    We are living a very difficult era, we need to be united, it was already very difficult to have small country like France united, it took 2000 years, and it is still not done, every city, villages has a different culture , accent, food,cheeses and architecture, and usually first thing we ask you is what city do you come from.
    to be brief and give you an idea of what s going on here:

    first of ALL

    it is not done

    France has a two chambers Parliament
    so the deputes ( elected by the citizens) of the Parlement voted yes,
    but it will have to pass the Senate in september ( Senators are not elected directly by citizens)

    then in 2011 if the project of law is voted to be a law by the senate

    it will have to pass by the COnseil COnstitutionnel which is here to check if the law is ok with the constitution.

    so it is not done.

    Another thing , now with European union, there is also a European Parliament and a Court of Justice, that could stop this law, and will if it happens to pass

    another thing to know
    Our president was elected because he took the usual 15 % of votes that are going to Extreme right

    since he started being Head of the police ( Minister of Interior) he pretty much started controling everything and everyone, and started to break all the links between different communities, because he has been planning his election
    and his election was built on fear and on insecurity
    There is cops everywhere in France, except in the “ghetto' because our president when head of the police
    said it was not useful to have a proximity police, guys from the neighborhood walking and talking, putting soccer competitions, it is unbelievable he said it was not useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it is how a few time later Riots happened, there is nothing to do in those suburbs, no good school not enough soccer fields and not enough room and appartments,

    the police can like Arizona just passed the law, ask for your Id anytime and for no reason,
    even though we did not have any terrorism on the country since 1995, maybe because the police did a good job or not, however he has been talking like another president of a democracy for 8 years , about terrorism all the time.

    He is doing exactly the same tactic, he wants to divide and get the vote of the old people, who does not understand
    the world and are scared of any changes, so his main speech his about lack of security
    and in our democracy more and more old people, the only thing they want is to be able to live longer and they have money

    One last thing because i could talk for hours,
    Everybody loves USA, everybody did not like very much the Former president
    Everyone LOVEs The New Us President,
    evryone follows USA, Now we need an international constitution, to regulate the market and defend the most weak of us, kids, still a lot of women oppressed, 100 million women missing in India, because when they get married it s the familly of the bride who has to give money to the groom

    so the world is a big mess
    we need education
    health care and Culture

    Education allows you to be able to think properly, and to say yes or no
    Culture allows us to be united,and to talk
    when you talk about football or soccer you do not make anything to change the world, who needs a lot of changes
    everywhere i travel I can sing Bob marley, i get Friends

    and now we may be monitored by secret services when we express ourselves on the net
    Liberté egalite fraternite
    Nosotros podemos estar hermanos,
    Protect the ladies and kids
    fight for love and peace

    Me too I have a dream
    thanks to many people who had dreams before

    one last thing in the comments
    is it really progress to have cell phone???
    and AC
    In the 90es i used to call at my friends places and talk to all the family
    when i was at a concert everyone was dancing and everyone could see because there was not 2000 phones in the air
    before cars we had trains and cable cars
    a great way to meet people
    and before AC we use to build house in a proper way

    but it is another topic

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