BOTM: Lagunitas Sucks Brown Shugga Substitute

Photo Credit: Derrick 

It’s getting cold and wet outside, so I need something that’s gonna warm my belly while reminding me of what’s coming in the next few months. I was surprised to find on my local grocer’s shelf something I’ve never had before. I chanced upon Lagunitas Sucks purely by accident, but I was very glad I did.

Sucks pours a delicious orange and tops itself with a nice, inch-thick white head. It’s not brilliantly clear, but like most Lagunitas beers, it’s only got a bit of hop haze. The head left a nice lacing on the glass through the entire session.

The aroma is a bit sugary, but there is also something I’ve never had before: a whiff of tropical fruit along the lines of kiwi and mango. It has some of that citrusy grapefruit too, so don’t worry about it seeming too sweet.

The flavor is incredible in this beer. There are the same characteristics as in the aroma: grapefruit, tropical fruit and even some Granny Smith apple. There’s also a great malt backbone. This IIPA walks the fine line between malt sweetness and hop bitterness perfectly.

The finish? A nice, lingering bitterness which would go great with spicy foods. It needs something that can stand up to the strong hops and alcohol. At about $10 for a sixer, this beer is a great value for the amount of flavor your get. It is the perfect beer to have while waiting for the cold weather to blow over and plan for warmer days.