A Balanced Boricua Budget

The Associated Press has good news on a troubled island: Puerto Rico’s governor on Tuesday presented…

Dirty Havana Diplomacy

Reuters reports on a new ad campaign in our nation’s capital to shift U.S.-Cuban relations: The metro…

In Cahoots in Michoacan

Arquimides Oseguera, mayor of Lázaro Cárdenas in Michoacan, has been arrested and charged with “kidnapping, extortion and…

D.O.A. (Death of Autodefensas)

The Latin American Herald Tribune reports on the long-awaited disarmament of autodefensas in Michoacan: The self-defense…

Mob Rule

El Pais looks at the rise of vigilante justice across Central America: Central America is considered to…

Rebranding Brazil

The Los Angeles Times reported a story over the weekend on how Brazil is trying to…

Where a Miscarriage Equates to Murder

The Guardian on the absurdity resulting from one Central American country’s absolute ban on abortions: El…

Cuban Journalist Jailed for Reporting on Police Abuses

The Miami Herald highlights the recent jailing of a Havana journalist as a testament to the…

Is the Argentinian Gov’t Changing Its Stance on Protests?

Last Friday Latin America analyst Geoffrey Ramsey over at The Pan-American Post called attention to a new…