Press Release
Determined to rescue the values of equality that inspire the lyrics of the song “Come As You Are,” the musicians of La Tribu Royale invite us to accept ourselves as we are and to enjoy with respect and understanding our differences in a new remix of this grunge classic.
After the successful launch of “Holiday,” with which they received more than 170,000 visits on YouTube in their official video, this band of Venezuelans residing in Miami surprises with this reggae remix loaded with the personality that characterizes them. This Miami-based band shows us this theme along with a video that comes to give us a message of equality, love and full happiness.
Gali (Vox – Samplers), Ruben Coello (Vox), Alejandro “El Marinero” Fumero (Guitars), Manuel Colmenares (Bass), Tony Quarto (Drums), Leo Leoni (Keyboards), are the musicians in charge of giving us that unique and special sound that is consolidated with each new release. In the words of La Tribu Royale, this version is different from the original, “… the style that characterizes us as a band is a fusion of Caribbean rhythms with an urban touch; in this case we kept the melody and the original lyrics of the song, taking the liberty of adding some verses of our creation to give that final touch, very Royale style”.
The video directed by Sam Castillo and Ruben Coello was recorded in Miami, New York, Moscow, London, Las Vegas, Nevada and maintains the original grunge essence of Nirvana that still captivates different generations, but in this case, they merged with the powerful energy of La Tribu Royale. With images of the band on a rooftop and with the characteristic party that always accompanies them, in the video we can see people of different nationalities sharing and enjoying without prejudice, a moment loaded with friendship, tolerance, respect and union.

“We decided to do this version of the song because the message of the lyrics is perfect to heal, a little, the wounds that have been generated by the polarization, racism and hate that exists at this time in the United States,” says Gali. On his part, Ruben Coello comments that “with this new release we want to give a grain of sand to this country that adopted us coming from Latin America with another language, other customs and even so we had the opportunity to make life and achieve our dreams, no worries man, the whole tribe is pa’ ti, just come as you are…”
Press release provided by @senor.luc