Be Counted! Affinity Community Services Reminds Us We Are All Better, When We Are All Better

Have you been counted? As an organization that centers queer Black women, Affinity Community Services knows you should be. 

The Census helps determine federal funding for every state for the next decade – meaning this Census determines how much funding Illinois receives through 2030. This funding affects decisions around schools, housing, health care services – and the number of representatives we have in Washington.

Black and LGBTQ+ communities are considered “hard-to-count” because of the difficulty officials have had with relating to our communities. At Affinity Community Services, we want to reverse this narrative, so that communities who need resources, get resources.

Not being counted affects us directly and indirectly and “we are all better, when we are all better.” So, we need everyone listening to fill out the Census so our communities have all that we need to be our best. 

Visit to be counted.