Classics: White Palace Grill

Feature photo by Emenfukos

Can you hear city calling your name? The homeless are singing tunes of lost dreams on paint chipped bus benches. I’m driving down Roosevelt Road with a fistful of singles and belly full of hunger. At night, only the brightest lights can reel in the eyes of this wanderer. Now I find myself u-turning because of curiosity. The White Palace Grill is open – this looks good. Greasy spoons may put fear in those with tender stomachs, but meh, not me. Give me a steaming plate of oily hash and eggs, and I’m in the right place at the right time. You say you don’t want to wait for breakfast time to eat breakfast, why not try the White Palace Grill? No, not White Castle or the movie staring James Spader and Susan Sarandon. This is something much better.

This place is a perfect spot for all the night owls with cast iron stomachs and strange cravings. Meatloaf and turkey at 3 am, sounds like a deal bucko. How about veal Parmesan or shrimp? Good to go. The White Palace Grill has a menu as diverse and unique as Chicago itself. Italian, Mexican, Seafood, and good old hotdogs and burgers are here for your pleasure. Since 1939, The White Palace Grill has provided variety to hungry Chicagoans.
I would by no means consider myself a food connoisseur, but what daddy likes, daddy eats. Thus far, the menu is enough to keep the pickiest of eaters satisfied. I bet you’ll find something you’ll like. How often can one get a home cooked meal in the dead of night? When most of the world is typically drunk or sleeping, this place is just getting started. Also worth mentioning: The White Palace Grill was once featured on The Food Network’s show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Next time you find yourself staggering out of a bar or you get late night craving, give this little diner a try. Trust me, you’ll like your choices.

White Palace Grill
1159 South Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60607-4906