Pilsen’s home to one of the largest Mexican communities this side of Little Village. It is also home to Little Italy itself, and it hosts the work of talented local artists in that section of the city. Every October, artists gather their work and share it with the public. The effort known as ‘Pilsen Open Studios‘ is a great community event sponsored by the local National Museum of Mexican Art, local cafés, restaurants and galleries. The spaces offer their support to the local talent in helping display their creations.
The artists that participated in this year’s event invited those of the Little Village Arts Fest, sharing their open spaces with the nieghboring community. Society has taken art to a new level, given the feelings expressed through the pieces. Some pieces highly reflected on community violence, immigration, politics, hatred and the femicides of women everywhere including those of the women of Ciudad Juárez.
The art walk began in 2004 when the Chicago Office of Fine Arts Department of Cultural Affairs contacted local Pilsenite, Hector Duarte and asked him to open his studio to the general public during the month of October for Chicago Artists Month. Duarte, a local muralist and artist along with his wife Linda Lutton set forth to show his works and other talents in Pilsen, providing the participation of all other local artists. Since then, the artists run-art walk has been opened to the general public every second week of October. With multiple spaces located in between Western Ave. and Halsted St. and from 16th St. to 23rd St.
Here are some highlights: