Local Hero: Donna Touch

Feature photo by Greg Inda

Donna Touch is one of the most beautiful faces on the Chicago burlesque scene. She shimmies, she shakes- you can look, but Donna Touch! The sequin-encrusted showgirl has been making Windy City hearts beat faster with the Vaudezilla burlesque troupe and recently started up a small clothing line inspired by her vintage lifestyle. Donna takes time out of her busy schedule to answer some of Gozamos’ questions.

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

When your friends come to visit Chicago, how do you show them a good time?
Most of my friends that come to visit Chicago are from Chicago!  I usually let them show me the good time going to places they miss, we haven’t been, or catching a show they are in.

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Picking up garbage on sticks and chasing the boys around with it waving at recess with my friends.

What’s the best part about being a grown-up?
Dirty Martinis

What is the worst part of your job?
Never seeming to have a balance of work.  Doing freelance, there is either too much or too little.

What part of your personality do you most want to be remembered for?
Being a good friend.

What was the best road trip you’ve ever taken?
When one of my best friends (who is French) and some other French friends put me in charge of giving directions to the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas after her and I had stayed up all night.  Although the map said we were on the right path, about 2 to 3 hours out we found out that the entrance we were headed to is closed during the winter. There is a video of me outside the McDonald’s telling them all I specifically told them not to rely on me for directions. I know it is a big hole, but it’s a huge country to navigate! I’ve still never seen the Grand Canyon.

You wouldn’t be caught dead, where?
An anti pro-choice pep rally

How do you spend your days off?
What days off?

What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?
4th of July! I host an annual BBQ and watch my neighborhood explode with color while my friends devour delicious meats as they come of the grill!

What’s the best rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself?
People fear me!

What book has changed your life the most?
A book that my grandma gave that is a compilation of poems about life and death. Some refer to the how and why life begins and ends and others just explore it’s beauty. She gave it to me when a friend and her family were killed by a drunk driver when I was in middle school. I didn’t find it again until after she passed away and I’ve luckily not had to refer to it too many times so far in my life. Each time I need it, the words seem to make more sense I guess (because) I’ve gotten older and have more to relate to. Each time I seem to get past it, I tuck it away in storage with hopeful I won’t have to see it again.

What’s your personal motto?
I can.