Interview: Miranda Gonzalez, Director of Artistic Development of Teatro Luna’s CROSSED

CROSSED is a must see.  I sat at the edge of my seat pleasantly surprised at the caliber of talent involved. You know you’re watching a good show when an hour and one half goes by and you don’t move.

All things Latin, you will find a skit to identify with.  My goose bump moment was the skit of a Mexican mother trying to explain to her little girl why her best friend’s mother had been deported. As a consequence, the deportees’ daughter’s picture was all over the news after being found home alone.

The actress’ eyes welled up with tears in her “moment” of having to break the news to her own daughter and the realization of what one day, could happen to her and her little girl; who just wanted a plate of enchiladas. True story.

The story telling is autobiographical and because of it, you are compelled to respect it.  In each skit, you can’t help but picture the real-life story actually having had happened to someone.

The play in its own entertaining way sheds awareness to an old-age and agonizing truth about the unfairness of racial profiling, unreformed immigration laws and the heartbreaking circumstances that affect immigrants and their families.

The all woman composed cast was filled with surprises and they add a pinch of burlesque-type flare with very sexy skits.

Meaningful, Heartfelt, Funny, Exciting & Sexy

Q: Tell me Miranda, what was the most touching story when interviewing individuals for the material of this play?
A: Some of the stories were the actual stories of the women on stage, its hard not to feel touched by each and every one of them. The stories that transformed me were those of our grandmothers. When I interviewed them, I realized the strength it took, I understood the sense of pride, I understood why we, as Latinos, were all here.  Their crossing, for whatever the reason it was, represented the future, represented a new beginning and hope for the generations to come.

Q:  What are a few of the most essential points Teatro Luna wants to get across to their audiences and the Latin Community?
A: Teatro Luna’s messages have always been a form of self reflection. They have been a series of questions that each human being needs to ask themselves. What role do I play in society? What opinion do I have on the subject matter at hand. In CROSSED, we wanted to ask why is that when we hear the word immigrant, we only think ‘Mexican’? With all the news using the word ‘illegal’ using the phrase ‘immigration reform’ and right away many politicians back policies that are mainly driven toward the southern boarder, when their are over 40 million immigrants in this country and that population is very diverse. We wanted to Latinos to feel a camaraderie with one another, no matter the country of origin. We each play a role in our communities and have the ability to influence policies and mainstream opinions, so what role do you play?

Q: How receptive have non-Hispanic audiences been to the play?
A: Very receptive! Everyone who is not Native American has ancestry that crossed at one point or another and these stories remind them of that journey. It reminds people that we all came here, no matter the reason, and everyone who has come to see the show has loved it! It’s funny because, every single audience we have had, stays after the actors bow. They want to talk about it, they relate to it, they want to help, and that’s when we realize we are playing our part in bringing self-awareness and human pride to our audiences.

Q: In your opinion, how aware do you think second and third generation Latinos are about the issues of racial profiling, immigration and equal rights in the work place?
A: Very aware, I have had so many audience members since Teatro Luna began, coming up to me after the shows, saying “someone asked me if I spoke Mexican”, I mean I was working at an insurance agency a last year and a woman at work insisted that this man had come back from his trip to Canada with “that Mexican disease” and when I tried to explain that she means dysentery, and tried to explain the origin of Moctezumas revenge, she just waived me off, and was like “yeah, that Mexican disease, he probably has it”. I hear these stories often and they are often from people who are 2nd and 3rd generation.

Q: Give us a glimpse of future plays in the works.
A: Oh! That’s top secret! No I’m just kidding, our next play is by an Obie award winning playwright, Diane Rodriguez, She is amazing! It’s a straight narrative play that deals with a rich Cuban woman, played by Isabel Quintero and her sister, played by Sandra Marquez and her relationship to her cleaning ladies. Its a story that deal with immigration and family. Its our first guest equity contract and Diane who is a part of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society will be directing it. I’m in it as well so I’m super excited about it.We also will have our first Latino Holiday show this year and I can’t wait!!! We will be posting projects on our website at asi que, ponte en contacto con nosotras!

Q: What are the most important attributes you seek when interviewing new talents?
A: This is something that is every evolving.  I like to the think of it first as a courtship. We are a collective of woman and though talent is important, the right vibe among us all supersedes it all. We look for artistic flexibility and commitment to our mission.  We admire people who say “I’m not in it for me, I’m in it for what you do” and that is music to our ears! It doesn’t matter if you have training or not, it matters where your heart lies. If you want to be rich and famous, there are other stages you can be on, but if you want to touch peoples lives and want a family, then here we are!