In Cahoots in Michoacan

Arquimides Oseguera, mayor of Lázaro Cárdenas in Michoacan, has been arrested and charged with “kidnapping, extortion and links to organized crime,” according to the Los Angeles Times:

Oseguera, a member of the liberal Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD, took office in early 2012, according to Mexico City’s Reforma newspaper. His arrest was announced by the state prosecutor’s office and the head of the federal government’s special commission on Michoacan. …

In November, federal troops and police took over the security functions at Lazaro Cardenas, the country’s second-busiest container port, from the municipal police in hope of stamping out the Knights Templar’s use of the Pacific coast port for the import and export of illicit drugs, and shaking off the cartel’s control of a significant chunk of the non-drug commerce in the city.