The Young Fugitives, radical teen ensemble, are back in 2014 with a powerful playformance exploring Chicago…
Author: R. Peña
R. Peña is a Chicana born and raised in Chicago. She is a writer and researcher currently working toward obtaining her doctorate in social psychology. When she is not working, reading or writing she gets into staring contests with walls and ceilings.
Research Shows Latinos and Blacks Are More Optimistic Than Whites
Said another way, White people are growing pessimistic. Why?
The Growing Problem of Binge Eating Disorder
Is the binge diet becoming more common than the starvation diet?
Eating Disorders and The Media
How big is the role of the mass media in the development of disordered eating? Gozamos…
Is This The End of Christopher Dorner?
Is he a hero or a psycho? One Gozamos author wonders if we’ve really heard the…
Humor and Latino Stereotypes: We can laugh, but not all of you can
One Gozamos author examines the differences in laughing at and laughing with.
Unfinished Business: 21st Century Home Economics
A new exhibit at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum explores the past and present state of…