In this final installment on the Art Institute’s “Art & Appetite” exhibit, I’m pondering diners, darkness,…
Author: Nino Cipri
Nino Cipri is a restless wanderer that recently landed in Chicago, a city she'd had a crush on for a while. When she's not working at her day job or writing, she enjoys biking, going to burlesque shows, talking to strangers, reading comic books and baking.
Food Geek at the Museum: Fooling the Eye
Your friendly neighborhood food geek ventures to the Art Institute to check out their new food-centric…
Food Geek at the Museum: Still Lifes
Your friendly food geek ventures to the Art Institute to check out their new food-centric exhibit,…
Food Geek at the Museum: Breakfast with the Impressionists
Your friendly food geek ventures to the Art Institute to check out their new food-centric exhibit,…
Food Geek: Drinking Coffee for Science
I don’t drink coffee, as a rule. (The rule being “Coffee makes Nicole insane.”) Coffee is…
Food Geek: Remembrance of Drinks Past
Proust had his madeleine and tea. I have flavored whiskey and falling leaves.
Food Geek Fiction: This Tornado Loves You
How had the superstorms become sentient, anyway? Global warming? Fukushima fallout? Terrorists? God? And if they…