Latino Dreams

Being a Latino American involves recovering the ability to dream and gathering the courage to chase…


One Latino American's reflection on the Fourth of July

This Week In Acronyms: CIR, VRA & DOMA

What you might've missed this week (if you were living under a rock)

Keeping Her Name and Her Identity

In April it was reported that just 8 percent of women keep their names after getting…

Tolerant Latinos, Just Justices & Brazil On The Brink

Here's what you might've missed this week

Going Home To Juárez And Chicago

After Rocio told me she’d bought the tickets for Juárez, I began to sweat. I’d read stories…

The San Antonio Son, The Spanish Speech & The Puerto Rican Parade

Here's a few things you might've missed this week

Once Upon A Time In Juárez

Ciudad Juárez is an intimidating place. With around 2 million people living in or around her,…

Boricua Beer Cans and Would-be Abortions

Here's what you might've missed this week