CLFF Review: ‘Red Princesses’

With the festival opening tonight, a young star of Red Princesses may be the one who…

Let’s Talk About Sex

Rolling Stone has published the first in a two-part series exploring the Millennial Generation’s approach to…

The Art of Criticism

The Atlantic has a beautiful commentary written by Noah Berlatsky on how James Baldwin’s 1976 book-length essay…

Venezuelan Pres. Addresses American Public

The New York Times has published an op-ed penned by Nicolás Maduro, the beleaguered president of Venezuela,…

Opposition Newspaper to Launch in Cuba

World-renowned Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez revealed on Tuesday that her new digital newspaper should be up…

Brazilian History X

In Brazil, even remembering the 21-year dictatorship can be dangerous: A session of the Chamber of…

Waiting for the Big One in Chile

Earthquake experts say the 8.2-magnitude temblor that occurred just off the northern coast of Chile and…

CLFF Review: ‘Who Killed Bambi?’

We kick off our coverage of this year's film festival with a review of Santi Amodeo's…

The Beat Goes On

Frankie Knuckles, known worldwide as the “godfather of house music,” died on Monday at the age…