CLFF Review: ‘Where the Sun is Born’

A commendable fledgling contribution from a long forgotten (read: ignored) people

Easter Sunday Sees Renewed Protesting in Venezuela

While many Americans spent Easter Sunday enjoying the smell of charred meats, citizens in Venezuela’s major…

CLFF Review: ‘Here’s the Deal’

This understated dramedy just might be one of the best movies at this year's Chicago Latino…

How an Election Changed Venezuela

Juan Cristobal Nagel over at Caracas Chronicle makes an excellent point about how the current protests…

Mexico’s Popular Unpopular President

On Sunday The Washington Post published a story on how Mexican Pres. Enrique Peña Nieto’s popularity is…

Chilean President vs. Mother Nature

After being criticized for the mishandling of an 8.8-magnitude earthquake in 2010, Mother Nature is apparently…

GOP Hopefuls Feel for Immigrants

At least two of the Republicans expected to run for president in 2016 seem to be…

Brazil’s C-section Craze

The Atlantic has an interesting story on the high rate of C-sections among Brazilian women: Doctors…

CLFF Review: Underage

Hector takes a closer look at the underwhelming 'Underage.'