Lolas and Lalos,
With summer in full bloom we are catching the rays and kicking back with the mystery/thriller genre. This month’s read is part one of a family saga crime trilogy which might sound familiar, as it’s currently being played on the big screen. Stieg Larsson’s novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is actually titled, “Men Who Hate Women” in Swedish L. The book promises a suspenseful narrative and an unforgettable ride. Actually I was a little apprehensive when I saw the genealogy map; I had flashbacks of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude where I was referring back to the family tree with great frequency. Anyway, buy/swap/check out your book or download the audio and let’s meet up for a discussion and some Swedish grub.
Date: July 10, 2010
Time: 12:00pm
Meeting Place: Gozamos Studio
1732 W Hubbard St, Chicago IL
Also, our reading selections are dwindling down to none so we must think about compiling a 6-month supply of titles for the subsequent months. We are now taking suggestions, and will be voting on the 6 most promising titles. The only requirements are that it’s a book that most people haven’t read; that the story line be such to evoke discussion and that is somehow Latino connection (we will leave that broad).
My sister and I will totally be there. I little niece may come too!
don't we need glogg too??? too bad we aren't reading it in the winter.