2013 in Review: Food and Drink

Beginnings, ends, reviews, nosh. It’s a new year. Here’s a little bit of what we last year.


Food Geek: Hello, Goodbye, Hello

Nicole Cipri writes her Food Geek column a couple times a month, showing us why food writing can be about much more than food and yet, it’s all about food. In this particular article, she evokes Proust, if he were in Chicago all those years ago. Except Proust can be over-rated. Nicole is not.


We don’t have time to research the hell out of each bottle of wine. This can make the wine shopping more like reading tea leaves. What if I told you there’s one easy-to-remember guiding principle ensuring success?

Vino: The JT Rule


Reviewed Food: Dia De Los Tamales

Veronica Pineda had a tamale experience that struck a chord, passing some sort of meridian line separating regular tamale fare from the gourmet tamal in Pilsen’s Dia De Los Tamales. Read up.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Worms

Yeah. I don’t like to see that word “worms” in a food and drink section either. But they turn the kitchen scraps into fertilizer. And if done right, they’re super low maintenance. No one knows that I have a bucket of worms in my office! I also sleep well at night knowing in this one small way, I’m doing my part to decrease my carbon footprint.


Fat & Happy: A Visit to Peru and a Peruvian Causa Recipe

Every week we publish one of Monique Costello’s recipes. She’s not only a gourmet cook who’s run her own restaurant, but she’s cured herself of several health ailments through these same recipes. Last year, Monique went to Peru and was inspired to make a recipe.

Photo Credit: Thomas Leuthard