María León Debuts Así Es Amar Video

Press Release

It is wonderful how human beings never lose hope that we will find someone. – María León

“It was mid 2018 when María León surprised fans with the release of her first solo single, “Amor illegal.” Since then the singer made it clear that her proposal would radiate the strength with which she faces life. That, and the transparency with which she speaks of her experiences in each of her letters, has created a stronger bond with her fans.

Today María León presents Inquebrantable, an EP made up of 5 songs and their respective videos, each one of them representing the stages that a human being experiences after a love break-up, as well as everything
that this entails.

The songs that make up the material are “Amor ilegal,” “Se te salió mi nombre,” “Inquebrantable,” “Locos” and “Así es amar.” This last one is her new single and it portrays the pain that someone goes through when they lose their partner.

“The lyrics were based on a very personal situation, a love affair. This song doesn’t talk about the person who leaves, but about the person who stays. It’s a tribute to the pain we feel, to loneliness, to grief, to this person who has to be rebuild and give time to process the fact that their heart has been broken, that their self-esteem has been hurt,” says the singer.

The video that accompanies the theme was recorded in Tlaxcala under the direction of Fausto Terán. It was produced by Toro Films. “It’s great to think, especially in first relationships, that loving is forever, but when you realize that it’s not and you give yourself another chance, it’s a vow of faith to believe in love. “